Research Group on Occupational Risk Prevention

Research Group on Occupational Risk Prevention

The Research Group on Prevention of Occupational Risks (GIPRL) is made up of multidisciplinary researchers who have the vision of understanding the functioning of the prevention system, to the point of being able to make proposals and innovative research in any of the fields that make up Prevention.

The main mission of the GIPRL is to carry out research related to health and safety at work, such as industrial safety, occupational hygiene, ergonomics, occupational psychosociology, preventive medicine, occupational medicine, among others, which will contribute to the systematic improvement of working conditions by minimizing the occurrence of occupational events such as accidents at work and occupational diseases that affect the lives of workers and therefore productivity. Therefore, the following objectives are proposed::

  •     To investigate the working conditions and health of workers in the different sectors of the economy, typology and demographic study of the exposed working population.
  •     To investigate the morbi-mortality of the workers involved in the research projects.
  •     To investigate and evaluate new methods of prevention and control of labor risks (Source, Medium, Person or Organization).
  •     Investigate the healthy lifestyles of workers.
  •     Elaborate and execute projects of the subprograms of the Occupational Health program (Hygiene and industrial safety, Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine, Ergonomics, Occupational Psychosociology, etc.).
  •     Publish the results in JCR journals, national journals indexed to Colciencias, Congresses, Symposiums, which disseminate information on contributions to knowledge of occupational risk prevention.
  •     To investigate new designs of evaluation of methods of control of labour risks.

The GIPRL is attached to the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad del Quindío (Colombia), and among its lines of research it has:

  •     Chemical Risks line, since 2006.
  •     Occupational Health line, since 2004.