ELTICA post-graduate course

ELTICA post-graduate course






10th Edition of the postgraduate course "Electricity and Electronics of the Automobile ELTICA" that we organize together with the Technical Center of SEAT.

(11th Edition planned for March 2020)



The automobile sector has not been oblivious to technological evolution, in fact, it has implemented many of today's technologies. The first complete electrical/electronic systems were designed to improve performance and protect the internal combustion engine. Today, on the other hand, the vehicle is conceived as a single system made up of multiple complementary auxiliary systems. The electronics provide the car with processing, storage and data exchange capacity, speed of response and control. In addition, it offers reprogramming possibilities, increases efficiency and allows the reduction of weight and size of components.

Given the importance of knowledge in these aspects of the vehicle, electricity and electronics, was born the Postgraduate Diploma in Electricity and Automobile Electronics, with 309 hours of comprehensive training based on theoretical sessions, practices, and individualized work. Modular offer according to the needs of the sector.

We count on the collaboration of the best experts in the automotive sector. More than 50 teachers, the support of SEAT, SEAT Technical Center, SEAT Training Center and different companies in the automotive sector, including: BERTRAND, FICOSA, CONTINENTAL, and with the collaboration of staff Applus IDIADA, FUJIKURA, AUDI, SIEMENS and LEAR.


Aims and Objectives

1. To train people capable of identifying technologies, trends and tools for application.
2. Identify, formulate and solve electrical and electronic problems in a car.
3. Conceive, design, implement and adopt research procedures that lead to the generation of knowledge and innovation.
4. Know and apply existing technologies in the market, as well as emerging technologies and acquire skills to propose applications.
5. Understand and transmit information-knowledge from scientific-technical documentation.
6. Analyze and propose projects considering the different aspects of an economic activity, with sustainability criteria.

As a result of the training received, the course enables students to occupy positions of responsibility in the design of electrical and electronic systems, and in the development of applications, especially for the automotive industry.


Study and learn by working

Students enrolled in ELTICA who do not carry out a professional activity at the same time as the course can apply, if they so wish, for a paid stay at SEAT. The stay lasts from 6 to 8 months and is part of our "Study and Practice" job placement program. Students who participate in this program will do internships in a department of the Technical Center or in the SEAT production plant, under the supervision of a tutor, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from Monday to Friday. The selection process is the responsibility of the company.



  1.     Project Management and Development of Personal Competences
  2.     Electronic architectures. Communication, Measurement and Control Systems in automobiles.
  3.     Electrical Distribution System. Development of Cable Harnesses.
  4.     Sensors and their Interfaces in Automotive.
  5.     Electromagnetic Compatibility in the Automobile.
  6.     Energy Systems and Electromobility
  7.     Automotive Illumination and Signaling System
  8.     Electronic Information and Entertainment Infotaiment.
  9.     Design and Validation of Electronic Units.
  10.     Practices.
  11.     Final Project.

To whom it is adressed

The ELTICA is open to those persons who can prove that they hold a middle or higher degree with a speciality or competence applicable to the automotive sector. Similarly, professionals in the sector who demonstrate previous experience may also apply.

Persons with foreign qualifications must accredit a level of training equivalent to state qualifications, and which entitles them to access postgraduate studies. In order to do so, the Equivalence of the Degree must be requested from the postgraduate address. Admission to ELTICA does not mean the homologation of the previous degree.


Diploma obtained:

Postgraduate Diploma issued by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.


The price of the 11th edition is yet to be determined.


5% - UPC Alumni Members

10% - Alumni premium members or collegiate graduates

Discounts are not cumulative. There is a policy of discounts for companies that register their workers, as well as the possibility of benefiting from subsidies from the tripartite foundation.


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 17:30 to 21:30

ETSEIB. Av. Diagonal, 647 Planta 10. 08028- Barcelona.




Phones: 650 705 618  and  93 401 5942 (afternoon)


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